Sunday, May 23, 2010

Little this and that

So the weekend went well with being the mom/dad. Cant wait for Megan to get home but it was an interesting weekend.

Friday night I was on facebook and got a friend request from a former client. At first i wasnt sure who the person was but the name sounded familiar. I started working at my agency 19 years ago and this girl was there from the beginning. Low and behold she along with many former clients made a group for the agency (going by its previous name). Many old names that I havent thoght abotu in a long time including some staff members. Was really nice touching base wiht some of these people and really has rejuvinated my outlook for work. Even after all these years when you think that you dont make an impact you realize you do and that it can (and in many cases) and does carry on for a life time.

On to food preperation. Well friday I went to Max and Ermas for lunch and head their tortilla soup. Well I love this soup so much I figured I would see if I could find a recipe to recreate it. I found one and made it and I'll be damned it does taste very close! I would like to try them next to each other!

Lastly Lost comes to an end tonight. I knwo I will be tired but I have decided that I will stay up and watch the finale this evening. I will regret it tomorrow most likely but hey who needs sleep anyways?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Daddy Day care

Thursday my girlfriend left for Mrytle Beach to go to a wedding leaving me home with our beautiful baby girl. It is so great to be home wiht her and doing everything just her and I. Hardest thing I have found is trying to get things completed around the house on my time schedule. Basically am at the mercy of hers!! It is awesome though I cannot wait for mommy to come home on Monday!!